1·Imagine you are going to die next week ... You have no choice but to make the most of it.
2·For example, if you ask yourself frankly what if you will die next minute, some people might feel suffocated.
3·A quarter of a million children could die next year due to the effects of climate change, Save the children warned today.
4·If not these men will die in the next six hours, "the man said with a thick Arabic accent."
5·In China 83m people will die from lung cancer and respiratory disease over the next 25 years, according to a recent report from Harvard University.
6·"We expect them to die in the next few weeks," says McGarrity.
7·And I bribed the man to bury me there when I die, next to her, and to take the side of my coffin away too, so that I shall have her in my arms, not Edgar!
8·To find out the answer to this question and see whether your height, largely a genetic gift (thanks mom and dad), will affect when you will die, read the next page.
9·A baby that had the potential to be the next Einstein will die from complication is at birth.
10·The next year or two will doubtless see mergers and takeovers. Some of the weaker manufacturers will die.